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“Buculin “is produced on the basis of an old original prescription, being used for centuries-long and made of the native provisions of Cres`s archipelago. Different ceremonies, particularly wedding celebrations were inconceivable without this honey almond cookie. Interesting is, that we could consider “Buculin” as a natural barometer.
Ingredients: Honey, Flour, Oil, Sugar, Salt, Lemon bowl, Sodium carbonate (wash soda), Almonds
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Small cake which got its name after its moon-like appearance. One of the oldest recipes of the Cres island, made on walnut basis.
Ingredients: Flour, Sugar, Margarine, Walnut , Eggs, Vanilla sugar, Rum, Salt, Baking powder, Lemon bowl, Powdered sugar
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Traditional almond cake, one of the oldest autochthonous recipes of Cres. Kacotin is servedwithwine, offering thus a special taste.
Ingredients: Flour, Sugar, Almonds, Margarine,Eggs, Salt, Lemon bowl, Sodium carbonate (wash soda)
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Almonds are autochthonous, native fruits in our archipelago. Our ancestors used this sugared almonds for centuries-long as the best candies. These delicacies are suitable for decorations on various festivities.
Ingredients: Almonds, Sugar , Water
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Maslina je simbol mira, odanosti i vjernosti, a ulje masline je „tekuće zlato“ koje se koristi u ishrani na razne načine, te kao važan sastojak u medicini. Legende o ljekovitim svojstvima maslinovog ulja sežu daleko u povijest. Mirisi davnina s mukotrpnim radom naših predaka nepce puni maslinovo ulje u buculinu.
Sastav: med, maslinovo ulje, brašno, sol, limunova kora, soda bikarbona, orah, šećer, vanilin šećer.
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Small cake, by appearance like a little rose, suitable for decoration. Dough is enriched and filled with a stuffing of jam, cocoa and walnut.
Ingredients: Flour, Margarine, Sugar, Eggs, Salt, Vanilla sugar, Sour cream, Rum, Lemon bowl, Lemon juice, Baking powder. Stuffing: Jam, Cocoa, Walnut
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Made of the sage scented honey, known as “honey of all honeys”, with an extensively aromatic taste of sage flowers, which plant has been widely spread over the whole Islands of Cres and Lošinj, being known by its local name of “kuš”. First inscriptions about the curative properties of this „holy plant “date from antique times. It is a symbol of the fertility, good health and a long life.
Ingredients: Sage honey, Flour, Oil , Salt, Lemon bowl, Sodium carbonate (wash soda), Domestic almonds
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Smokva je plod Mediterana. Još u davna vremena bila je rado viđena voćka na stolovima naših predaka. Nekad kao i danas na razne načine se prerađuje. Smokva simbolizira život, mir, blagostanje i plodnost. Med sa smokvom ljekovita je i hranjiva poslastica.
Sastav: med, brašno, ulje, sol, šećer, limunova kora, soda bikarbona, vanilin šećer, smokva.
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Škanjata je tradicionalna poslastica u obliku vjenčića od slatkog dizanog tijesta obogaćenog limunom i narančom. Pekla se u gradskim krušnim pećima kojih je nekad u Cresu bilo 10, a bile su vlasništvo creskih plemića, veleposjednika i trgovaca. Zanat pripremanja se prenosio od majke na kćer jer su ih uglavnom žene pekle, a njih su zvali pećarce. Domaćice su se rado okupljale oko peći jer su tamo ćakulale (pričale) i saznavale sve novosti. Pribor za pripremanje bio je: kopanca (drvena posuda), deska, lopata, raknić (sukno za pokrivanje tijesta) i starguje (željezni strugač). Pekla se kao najfiniji kolač za vrijeme fešta. Creske domaćice uoči blagdana po okolnim selima nosile su na glavi košare pune škanjata koje su prodavale, a radi ravnoteže ispod košare stavljale su posvitek (krpa smotana u krug). Iz zaborava smo ih izvukli da Vas podsjetimo i prikažemo tradiciju našeg otoka.
Sastav: brašno, kvasac, šećer, margarin, sol, jaja, vanilin, limunova i narančina kora, mlijeko, voda, rum.